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February 2013. Signorelli, T.M., Multilingual Matters for Monolingual SLPs: Best Practice 101. Hour-long Continuing Education Webinar for

November 2012. Signorelli, T.M. and Obler, L.K., Bilingual Memory and Simultaneous Interpreters. Chapter in Memory and Language: Theoretical and applied approaches to bilingualism. Altarriba, J and Isurin, L. Eds. 

October 2012. Signorelli, T.M., Wagner, E., Yudice Walters, S. Weinstein Blum, J., Galarza, J., Knowledge and Skills for Monolingual SLPs to Provide Appropriate Services to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Clients. Day-long CEU Conference for EBS Healthcare.

June 2012. Signorelli, T.M. and Seeber, K.G., Eds., Special Issue: Cognitive Processes in Simultaneous Interpreters. International Journal of Bilingualism. 

March 2012. “How and Why to Raise Your Child Bilingually.” Parent work shop at World Brooklyn: Ideas for Raising Citizens of Tomorrow. Brooklyn, New York.

June 2011. Signorelli, T.M., Haarmann, H.J. and Obler, L.K., Working Memory in Simultaneous Interpreters: Effects of task and age. International Journal of Bilingualism.

January 2011. Hyun, J., Ijalba, E., Signorelli, T.M., Conner, P., Obler, L.K. The Frontal Lobe. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences, Ed. Colm Hogan, P.

June 2007. Signorelli, T.M., Obler, L.K., Haarmann, H.J., and Gitterman, M.R. Aging Memory Skills in Interpreters Relative to Non-interpreters. Colloquium at the Sixth International Symposium on Bilingualism, Hamburg, Germany.

November 2006. Signorelli, T.M., Obler, L.K., Haarmann, H.J., and Gitterman, M.R. The Potential Benefits of Working as a Simultaneous Interpreter on Aging Memory Skills. Colloquium at the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention, Miami, FL.

Fall 2006. Blumenthal, P., Britt, T., Cohen, J.A., McCubbin, J., Maxfield, N., Michael, E., Moore, P., Obler, L.K., Scheck, P., Signorelli, T.M., Wallsten, T. Stress effects on bilingual language professionals’ performance. The International Journal of Bilingualism, 10, 477-495.

July 2006. Signorelli, T.M., Obler, L.K., Haarmann, H.J., and Gitterman, M.R. The Benefits of Working as a Simultaneous Interpreter on Aging Memory Skills. Symposium at the International Neuropsychological Society, Zurich, Switzerland.

December 2005. O’Connor, B., Anema, I., Datta, H., Signorelli, T.M., and Obler, L.K., Agrammatism: A cross-linguistic clinical perspective. ASHA Leader.

September 2005. Signorelli, T.M., Obler, L.K., Haarmann, H.J., and Gitterman, M.R. Are there working memory differences between interpreters and non-interpreters? Colloquium at the Conference on Translation and Interpretation at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, CA.

May 2005. Signorelli, T.M., Obler, L.K., Haarmann, H.J., and Gitterman, M.R. Phonological and Semantic Working Memory in Simultaneous Interpreters and Noninterpreter Multilinguals”, Colloquium at the Workshop on Cognitive Processes in Simultaneous Interpreters at the University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France.

March 2005. Signorelli, T.M., Obler, L.K., Haarmann, H.J., and Gitterman, M.R. Working Memory in Polyglots. Poster presentation at the Fifth International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB5), Barcelona, Spain.

November 2004. Signorelli, T.M. Agrammatism in Bilinguals: The clinician’s challenge. Portion of a Symposium entitled, Agrammatism: A global perspective. American Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.

November 2002. Signorelli, T.M. and Schwartz, R.G. Spanish Initial Plosive Production By Hispanic Bilingual Preschoolers. The American Speech-Language and Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, GA.

April 2001. Lecture and Discussion: “Facilitating Language Skills in the Bilingual Special Education Population”, The Village Child Development Center, NY, NY.

September 2000. Presentation and Discussion: “Native-Language Phonological Influences: Perspectives on Speech Perception Development in Children and Adult Second Language Learners. The Village Child Development Center, NY, NY.

April 1999. Workshop: “Implementing Two languages in the Special Education Classroom”. Village Child Development Center, NY, NY.

March 1999. Presentation and Discussion: “Choosing the Language of Instruction in the Classroom”. The Association of Bilingual Clinicians, NY, NY.

December 1998. Lecture and Discussion: “Using Two Languages in the Classroom: A focus on the special education population.” The Village Child Development Center, NY, NY.

October 1998. Lecture and Discussion: “Using Two Languages in the Classroom”, The Central Park Learning Center, NY, NY.

Fall 1998. Signorelli, T.M., Wong, P., Jarmulowicz, L.D., Schwartz, R.G., Gerenser, and J.E., Erickson, F.N. Controlled Rapid Word Learning: A Video Study. Poster Submission to the 1999 International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Basque Country, Spain.

Fall 1998. Wong, P., Jarmulowicz, L.D., Signorelli, T.M., and Schwartz, R.G. Preferential Looking Time Paradigm: A Validation Study. Poster Submission to the 1999 International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Basque Country, Spain.

Fall 1998. Jarmulowicz, L.D., Schwartz, R.G., Wong, P., and Signorelli, T.M. Vowel Duration as a Cue to Final Consonant Voicing: A Developmental Study. Poster Submission to the 1999 International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Basque Country, Spain.

June 1998. Lecture and Discussion: “Bilingual Education Models”, The Association of Bilingual Clinicians, NY, NY.

April 1998. Presentation and Discussion: “Transition to CSE”, The Village Child Development Center PTA, NY, NY.

March 1998. Presentation and Discussion: “Appropriate Language Models”, The Village Child Development 

Center PTA, NY, NY.

January 1997. Lecture and Discussion: “Language Stimulation”, The Village Child Development Center, NY, NY.

January 1996. Lecture and Discussion: “Bilingual Language Acquisition and Development”, The Association of Bilingual Clinicians, NY, NY.


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