Dr Teresa Signorelli Pisano
Empowering Individuals to Reach Great Potentials
There Are Unwritten Rules
All College Students
MUST Know...
But Don't
Get an Edge with
Dr. Teresa's
College Boot Camp
Dr. Teresa Signorelli has been teaching and advising
undergraduate and graduate students since 1995
Each year she sees students are missing skills they need
for success in college and the work force
Dr. Teresa has developed a dynamic, practical, and
fun training that will give students an edge
She has been applying these techniques with her students at
Marymount Manhattan College for years with fantastic, measurable results
Dr. Teresa's program addresses...
- Expected communication protocols
-What to do if you miss class
- How to ask for an extension
- How to handle a late assignment
- How to request an appointment with a professor
- Email Etiquette (and dangers)
- How to address a professor
- Asking for letters of recommendation
- Embracing accountability
- How and why to become a peer leader
- Public speaking tips
-Writing tips
- How to avoid what irritates professors most!
- Social-media literacy
- And more...
High school seniors and
college freshman
cannot afford to miss this
interactive seminar
Click photo. Read a new student's reflection on high school and college differences
To make an appointment contact: info@myspeechdoctor.com
Start preparing for your training with Dr. Teresa
with articles from: