Dr Teresa Signorelli Pisano
Empowering Individuals to Reach Great Potentials
The rights toys, experiences, and physical set-up are critical factors in helping children reach their best potentials
Is your child's home play-space designed to best foster all areas of mutual development?
Tactile Perception
Auditory Perception
Non-Verbal Cognition
These areas influence one another and have the greatest impact on success in school and life
Assess your Home Play-Space with Our
Play Area Assessment
See what toys Dr. Teresa loves for development and why
by clicking the bear...
Read why the play room is really the grow room
Parent Guide News Article (click here)
ChicGalleria.com Article (click here)
Make an appointment with Dr. Teresa for a consultation session
In one, one-hour session, you will
have the basic information you need
Have a group session with friends
& share consultation costs!
$200 - Play-Space Design
1-hour Personal Workshop
See how you can build a home play-learning space that will give your child the best advantages
Visit my online store, learn about what toys and activities
I like for development and why!
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